Yvette successfully completed her PhD programme in the area of sociology and gerontechnology and has a master’s degree in consumer behaviour and a bachelor’s degree in commerce and management. Her strengths are supporting students with shaping their research and the academic writing of their thesis in English. Yvette has gained international research experience by collaborating with universities and businesses, such as University College London (United Kingdom), Karolinska Insitutet (Sweden) and University of Alberta (Canada). This international experience has enabled Yvette to support students with their studies in the areas of consumer behaviour, technology design, media, public health and social sciences. The social science studies included studies such as management, economics and consumer behaviour, commerce, marketing, communication and occupational therapy. Furthermore, her (research)experience covers qualitative research and Yvette has worked a lot with programmes such as Nvivo and she is also able to help students overcome their writing block.
Besides her research experience, Yvette also collaborated with Alzheimer Nederland, Alzheimer Europe, Alzheimer’s Disease International and the World Health Organisation. Furthermore, she has gained work experience as a marketing and communication employee at diverse companies. In addition, Yvette is a passionate and determined speaker and a real strategic thinker.
Yvette takes pride and joy in her work when she is supporting others, who in turn, are then inspired and able to excel. This means that she will always go for the win-win situation where everybody feels comfortable and is able to find the best version of themselves.
As a lower vocational student (i.e. VMBO), Yvette had to “learn to learn” and is now a PhD student who is more than ever motivated to share her experiences with students.
Yvette provides guidance in the Rotterdam area and online.