Lies has a background in organizational psychology and clinical psychology. Lies has gained a lot of experience as a thesis supervisor of college and university students but also as a researcher. As a researcher, Lies supervises the entire research process: from creating the action plan, project planning and designing the necessary tools to conducting the analyses, reporting, presentation and advising on and implementing changes and innovations. She has also published several scientific articles on various topics. She has also mentored students with personal injury issues.
Lies tutors students with various studies from A to Z, from nursing and MANP, educational studies to SJD, for example. Lies can help you from a clear problem analysis and outline of your thesis to writing a good conclusion and discussion. She can also help you set up your research methods, data analysis (in SPSS or qualitative data) and more.
You can contact Lies for dissertation help from Den Bosch and surrounding areas and online.